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Add sources to your DAG

Using sources

Sources make it possible to name and describe the data loaded into your warehouse by your Extract and Load tools. By declaring these tables as sources in dbt, you can then

  • select from source tables in your models using the {{ source() }} function, helping define the lineage of your data
  • test your assumptions about your source data
  • calculate the freshness of your source data

Declaring a source

Sources are defined in .yml files nested under a sources: key.

version: 2

- name: jaffle_shop
database: raw
schema: jaffle_shop
- name: orders
- name: customers

- name: stripe
- name: payments

*By default, schema will be the same as name. Add schema only if you want to use a source name that differs from the existing schema.

If you're not already familiar with these files, be sure to check out the documentation on properties.yml files before proceeding.

Selecting from a source

Once a source has been defined, it can be referenced from a model using the {{ source()}} function.


from {{ source('jaffle_shop', 'orders') }}

left join {{ source('jaffle_shop', 'customers') }} using (customer_id)

dbt will compile this to the full tableIn simplest terms, a table is the direct storage of data in rows and columns. Think excel sheet with raw values in each of the cells. name:



from raw.jaffle_shop.orders

left join raw.jaffle_shop.customers using (customer_id)

Using the {{ source () }} function also creates a dependency between the model and the source table.

The source function tells dbt a model is dependent on a source The source function tells dbt a model is dependent on a source

Testing and documenting sources

You can also:

  • Add data tests to sources
  • Add descriptions to sources, that get rendered as part of your documentation site

These should be familiar concepts if you've already added tests and descriptions to your models (if not check out the guides on testing and documentation).

version: 2

- name: jaffle_shop
description: This is a replica of the Postgres database used by our app
- name: orders
description: >
One record per order. Includes cancelled and deleted orders.
- name: id
description: Primary key of the orders table
- unique
- not_null
- name: status
description: Note that the status can change over time

- name: ...

- name: ...

You can find more details on the available properties for sources in the reference section.


What if my source is in a poorly named schema or table?
What if my source is in a different database to my target database?
I need to use quotes to select from my source, what should I do?
How do I run tests on just my sources?
How do I run models downstream of one source?

Source data freshness

With a couple of extra configs, dbt can optionally capture the "freshness" of the data in your source tables. This is useful for understanding if your data pipelines are in a healthy state, and is a critical component of defining SLAs for your warehouse.

Declaring source freshness

To configure source freshness information, add a freshness block to your source and loaded_at_field to your table declaration:

version: 2

- name: jaffle_shop
database: raw
freshness: # default freshness
warn_after: {count: 12, period: hour}
error_after: {count: 24, period: hour}
loaded_at_field: _etl_loaded_at

- name: orders
freshness: # make this a little more strict
warn_after: {count: 6, period: hour}
error_after: {count: 12, period: hour}

- name: customers # this inherits the default freshness defined in the jaffle_shop source block at the beginning

- name: product_skus
freshness: null # do not check freshness for this table

In the freshness block, one or both of warn_after and error_after can be provided. If neither is provided, then dbt will not calculate freshness for the tables in this source.

Additionally, the loaded_at_field is required to calculate freshness for a table. If a loaded_at_field is not provided, then dbt will not calculate freshness for the table.

These configs are applied hierarchically, so freshness and loaded_at_field values specified for a source will flow through to all of the tables defined in that source. This is useful when all of the tables in a source have the same loaded_at_field, as the config can just be specified once in the top-level source definition.

Checking source freshness

To obtain freshness information for your sources, use the dbt source freshness command (reference docs):

$ dbt source freshness

Behind the scenes, dbt uses the freshness properties to construct a select query, shown below. You can find this query in the query logs.

max(_etl_loaded_at) as max_loaded_at,
convert_timezone('UTC', current_timestamp()) as calculated_at
from raw.jaffle_shop.orders

The results of this query are used to determine whether the source is fresh or not:

Uh oh! Not everything is as fresh as we'd like!Uh oh! Not everything is as fresh as we'd like!


Some databases can have tables where a filter over certain columns are required, in order prevent a full scan of the table, which could be costly. In order to do a freshness check on such tables a filter argument can be added to the configuration, e.g. filter: _etl_loaded_at >= date_sub(current_date(), interval 1 day). For the example above, the resulting query would look like

max(_etl_loaded_at) as max_loaded_at,
convert_timezone('UTC', current_timestamp()) as calculated_at
from raw.jaffle_shop.orders
where _etl_loaded_at >= date_sub(current_date(), interval 1 day)


How do I exclude a table from a freshness snapshot?
How do I snapshot freshness for one source only?
Are the results of freshness stored anywhere?